Our firm works hard to protect workers who may be vulnerable to harassment and assault in the workplace. Sexual harassment and assault can occur in all types of workplaces including students at school, low level employees, and executives. Additionally, sexual harassment and assault can affect women and men equally.
Sexual harassment and assault in the workplace can take many forms, such as:
- Unwelcome touching and advances;
- The use of inappropriate or sexual language at work;
- The display of offensive material, sexual jokes, or persistent communications;
- Technology-assisted harassment, such as revenge porn and cyber sexual abuse;
- The promise of a work benefit or threat of job in exchange for sexual favors or permitting the harassment;
- Intimate partner violence and sexual abuse in the school context;
- Misuse of power in sexual work relationships;
- Violent sexual assault and rape.
We have helped many clients file a complaint about harassment in their workplace or at school or seek justice against their harassers. Some examples of these clients include: a female factory worker who faced daily sexual remarks and inappropriate touching from her supervisor for years; a college student who was violently assaulted on campus and the school failed to prevent further harassment; and a managerial employee that was the target of sexually suggestive innuendos, romantic advances, and touching by her boss. If you have been the victim of such inappropriate behavior, we can help navigate your rights and protect you from further abuse.